Game Design Document

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Dark Poison

Dark Poison is our first game project at Shadowbolt Studios! We joined this game jam to learn Unity. We are huge fans of Thor, everyone at Pirate Software and all of Thor's other projects.


Dark Poison is a third-person stealth puzzle game. The game is about avoiding detection, collecting simple combinations of ingredients, making potions and choosing where to use them in the level to reach the goal. The player must strategically choose where to use the potions to complete the levels. We joined the Game Jam very late and we were only able to implement SOME of these mechanics.

Future mechanics

- Several ingredients must be collected before being able to make potions 
- Light and dark contributes to whether you can be spotted or not
- Potions evaporate over time so must be used quickly once mixed
- Smoke potion that allows player to block sight of enemies
- Cat eye potion allows seeing in the dark
- Lots more levels planned that build on initial mechanics


Thank you so much for playing :)

Please visit to become a playtester, hear about future updates and leave feedback to help us shape our games.

We would love to make this concept into a full game with your help.

๐Ÿ›ก Aegis & Team

Development log

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